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KPOS G2 RUBBER BUFFER Replacement For KPOS G2 by


  • KPOS G2 RUBBER BUFFER Replacement For KPOS G2 by ISSProtectiontrade
  • Item description
  • Weapon compatibility list
  • Manufacturer information/GPSR
  • KPOS G2 RUBBER BUFFER Replacement For KPOS G2 by ISSProtectiontrade KPOS G2
    rubber buffer with verygood physicalproperties and excellent mechanicalstrength.
  • Please note! The offered accessory product fits according to our knowledge on the following weapon models.

    Please also note the exceptions in the item description under “Not suitable for”.

    This information is without guarantee. For further questions you can contact our expert team from Mo.-Fr. 9:00 – 17:00 under the following phone number +49 (0)2206 9519 440.

  • ISSProtectiontrade


    The ISS International Security School & Services GmbH® is an organization, that has been founded in 1998, to carry out professional theoretical and practical training in all security areas. This is happening world-wide in the governmental as well as in the private security sector. More info at www.vipprotection.de
    In 2004 the ISS International Security School & Services GmbH® started to include in their portfolio the trading of safety equipment and accessories, outdoor and police equipment at national and international level.
    Since 2009 ISS International Security School & Services GmbH® has a weapon trading license. Their field of activity has been extended by the trade with firearms and ammunition.